Jeremy A. Taylor

Jeremy was born and raised in rural Kentucky. His passion for encouraging people was evident at an early age as he thoroughly enjoyed making new friends as well as being a vocal leader on many of his sports teams.

Atter graduating college, he spent several years teaching and coaching in the public education sector before shifting his focus to building a business from home. Through network marketing and e-commerce,

Jeremy realized he truly wanted to help people grow. Thus, Taylor Leadership Development was established and a public speaking career was born.

Jeremy is charismatic in his approach to speaking to people of all ages and backgrounds. His mission is to help people see their value, recognize their potential, and live out their existence.

Ultimately, his hearts desire is to simply lead by example, use his marriage and family as a ministry, and for others to see less of him and more of Jesus in

the work he does. Jeremy and his wife, Jaala, along with their son, Miles, reside in Somerset, Kentucky.

Words can build bridges for people, to walk from the darkness into the light, and discover just how valuable they truly are. Words matter, and I don’t take lightly the opportunity and responsibility I have of using them to help people grow.
— Jeremy A Taylor

Let’s Work Together